Why Use an Independent Agent?
Professional KnowledgeEach year agents must recertify with the Center of Medicare (CMS) and pass with a minimum of 90% on their annual exam (AHIP) displaying an understanding of the complexities and changes that occur from year to year.
Personalized GuidanceUnderstanding of the different provider and pharmacy networks that work with each carrier. Resources such as drug formularies and provider directories at our fingertips to help guide the best coverage for each individual.
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No Extra CostWhether you enroll directly with a carrier or use an agent, your Medicare plan costs remain the same. Medicare agents are compensated by the insurance companies whose plans they offer, not by you. This means you receive personalized, unbiased guidance at no cost. Agent commissions are regulated by CMS to ensure that you receive fair, impartial advice focused on your needs.
Ongoing SupportThings change year to year. Provider contracts, legislation and carrier migration. We are here to help individuals make changes as the landscape evolves. Whether you have general questions about your coverage or abstract inquiries about the industry, do not hesitate to reach out.
Did You Know?
Talking to a Medicare agent does not cost anything and can provide you with valuable information to help you make informed decisions about your healthcare. Don't hesitate to reach out to our local Medicare agent Michael Leipzig. Whether you're looking to enroll for the first time, or you want to explore your options during the Annual Enrollment Period, Michael is here to help. Contact Michael to schedule a no cost consultation and get the answers you need. Don't let confusion or uncertainty about Medicare hold you back.
Medicare 101
Everyone’s heard of it. But what is it, really?Medicare is a health insurance plan administered by the government and available to U.S. citizens who are age 65 or older, disabled, suffer from Lou Gehrig’s disease (i.e., Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), have kidney failure or meet the qualifications to receive a kidney transplant.1
The four plans that keep you covered.There are four options Medicare recipients can utilize simultaneously to help pay for medical expenses for frequently used services—they are Parts A, B, C and D. Each plan covers different elements, so it’s best to reach out to us so we can discuss in further detail to find the plan that’s optimal for you.
What about the gaps some plans don't cover?
Health care expenses can quickly accrue, and when unexpected medical emergencies occur, you may not be prepared to handle the financial consequences. Although Parts A and B provide a significant amount of coverage, the total costs will not be paid. These plans pay approximately 80% of health care expenses, and you are responsible for paying the remaining 20%. This remaining balance typically consists of copays and deductibles. This is where a supplemental health insurance plan to cover the gap can provide a safety net for you. Paying for Medicare can be challenging, but with diligent research and talking to us, you can find what you will need when you reach age 65 or what you need to change to your retirement health care plan now.